Urgent: Kangen Machine Prices to Rise in the USA Starting June 1, 2024 🚀

Act Now to Secure Your Kangen Water Machine at Current Prices!

Enagic have deferred the price increase to July 1st 2024, Order Now to get the current lower prices


Enagic have deferred the price increase to July 1st 2024, Order Now to get the current lower prices 〰️

As we navigate through a period of significant global economic changes, the cost of manufacturing and materials continues to rise. In line with these changes, Enagic has announced that we must adjust the prices of our Kangen Water Machines in the USA. This price adjustment will take effect from June 1st, 2024.

If you've been considering enhancing your lifestyle with a Kangen Water Machine, this announcement serves as a crucial call to action. The upcoming price increase will be substantial, reflecting the current inflation rates and escalating costs for materials on a global scale.

Current Kangen USA Prices (Valid Until May 31, 2024):

Order Via Our Installment Plans

To ensure our customers can still benefit from current pricing, anyone who purchases a Kangen Machine on our in-house installment plan before May 31, 2024, will lock in the current prices for the duration of their payment term. This is an exceptional opportunity to invest in your health and well-being without immediate financial strain.

How to Purchase:

This is a pivotal moment to act and secure your Kangen Water Machine at today's prices. Don't miss out on this opportunity! As always, our team is here to support you through the buying process and answer any questions you might have.


Request To Order

Use this form to contact us for more information or to request to order. We will respond to you within 24 hours.


Kangen USA Price List: June 2024


Where to buy Kangen Water?