How to Use Kangen Water® for Effective Pet Odor Elimination at Home

Pet lovers, unite! As much as we adore our furry friends, their odors can sometimes overstay their welcome. From unexpected accidents to the natural scents of our four-legged companions, maintaining a fresh and clean home can be challenging. But fear not, for there's a green and effective solution at hand - Kangen Water®. In this post, we'll explore how you can use Kangen Water® to combat pet odors, ensuring your living space remains as inviting and odor-free as possible. Ready to dive into a world where pet odors are a thing of the past? Let's get started!

Breathe Easy with Eco-Friendly Solutions for a Fresher Home

Pets bring boundless joy, unconditional love, and companionship to our lives. Yet, they also bring along some less desirable traits, such as the inevitable pet odors that can permeate our living spaces. Whether it's the scent of an accident on the carpet or the natural musk of a wet dog, these odors can make our homes less inviting. But what if there was a green, effective way to tackle these smells without resorting to harsh chemicals? Enter Kangen Water® – your new best friend in the fight against pet odors. This blog post will explore how Kangen Water® can be the hero in your home, turning it from a battleground of smells into a fresh, clean haven.

The First Line of Defense: Act Fast and Act Smart

Accidents happen – it's a part of pet ownership. But the key to preventing these mishaps from turning into lingering odors is a swift and effective response. Kangen Water®, with its unique properties, can be a game-changer in your clean-up arsenal. When an accident occurs, here's what to do:

  1. Blot, Don't Rub: Use paper towels to gently blot up as much of the mess as possible.

  2. Rinse with Kangen Water®: Cold Kangen Water® can be used to rinse the area thoroughly, helping to dilute and remove the remnants of the accident.

  3. Apply an Enagic® Stain Remover: For tougher spots or set-in stains, a spray of Enagic® Stain Remover can do wonders.

  4. Consider a Wet-Vac: For deep cleaning, especially in carpets, a wet-vac with Kangen Water® can extract moisture without harsh chemicals.

Grooming: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

Regular grooming not only keeps your pet looking and feeling their best but also plays a crucial role in odor prevention. Integrating Kangen Water® into your grooming routine can provide a natural, effective way to keep your pet clean and smelling fresh:

  • Brushing: Daily brushing removes dirt, debris, and loose fur, minimizing natural pet odors.

  • Bathing with Kangen Water® Pet Shampoo: Create your own pet shampoo using Kangen Water®, tailored to your pet's pH needs. This not only cleans but maintains a healthy coat and skin.

  • Dental Care: Use a mixture of baking soda and Neutral Water as a non-toxic toothpaste for regular dental hygiene.

  • Ear Cleaning: Moisten a cotton ball with Kangen Water® for gentle ear cleaning, keeping yeast and dirt at bay.

Don’t Forget the Pet Accessories

Keeping your pet’s environment clean is just as important as grooming:

  • Feeding Area: Regularly spray and wash your pet’s bowls with Strong Kangen Water® to eliminate food odors and bacteria.

  • Bedding and Toys: Use Kangen Laundry Detergent for washing bedding and Strong Acidic Water followed by Strong Kangen Water® Dish Soap for toys, ensuring everything your pet uses is fresh and clean.

Litter Box Care for the Feline Friends

For cat owners, maintaining the litter box is crucial. Opt for biodegradable litter and wash the box weekly with Strong Kangen Water® and dish soap to prevent odors from taking over your space.

The Kangen Water® Difference

What sets Kangen Water® apart is its versatility and eco-friendliness. Unlike traditional cleaning methods that rely on chemicals, Kangen Water® offers a safe, effective alternative for nearly every aspect of pet care, from cleaning up accidents to ensuring their toys and accessories are sanitized. By adopting Kangen Water® into your routine, you're not just creating a fresher, more inviting home; you're also making a healthier choice for your pets and the planet.

Incorporating Kangen Water® into your pet care routine can transform your home into a fresher, cleaner space where pet odors are a thing of the past. It’s a win-win for you and your furry friends, ensuring a healthier, happier coexistence. Embrace the change and let Kangen Water® lead the way to a fresher, greener home.


  • Q: Can Kangen Water® be used on all pets?

  • A: Yes, but always consult with your veterinarian regarding your specific pet's needs.

  • Q: How often should I clean with Kangen Water®?

  • A: Routine cleaning and grooming should incorporate Kangen Water®, with immediate action taken on any accidents to prevent odors.

Wrapping Up: A Breath of Fresh Air

Kangen Water® offers a harmonious blend of effectiveness and environmental friendliness, making it the ideal solution for pet owners seeking to eliminate odors without compromising on safety or sustainability. By incorporating Kangen Water® into your pet care routine, you're not just tackling odors; you're enhancing your pet's well-being and preserving your home's freshness. So, why wait? Start your journey with Kangen Water® today and experience the difference it makes in your fight against pet odors.

Let's embrace a cleaner, fresher home with open arms – and noses!


Where to buy Kangen Water?


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