What Exactly Are Enagic’s 5 Different Water Types?

Exploring the Potential of Kangen Water: The 5 Different Water Types and Their Uses!

Water is the essence of life, constituting over 70% of the human body. It's no exaggeration to say that the foundation of vitality and long life is water itself. Enagic, a pioneer in water technology, offers safe water that can be confidently integrated into your daily life, benefiting health, beauty, cleaning, and cuisine. In this blog post, we'll delve into the five different types of Kangen Water and their diverse uses.

Strong Kangen Water (pH 11)

Enagic’s Strong Kangen Water with a pH 11 is not for drinking, but ideal for hygiene and cleaning.

Strong Kangen Water is your go-to solution for preserving hygiene and ensuring cleanliness in your daily life. Its robust cleaning effect and unique properties make it indispensable in various applications:

  • Food Preparation: Use it to remove rawness from vegetables like green onions, bamboo, wasabi, and flowering fern, ensuring your meals are safe and delicious.

  • Cleaning: Clean cutting boards, dishcloths, and even tackle tough grime and oil stains. It's a versatile cleaning agent for your kitchen and home.

  • Stain Removal: The potent absorption power of Strong Kangen Water effortlessly removes stubborn stains, from coffee and soy sauce spills to toilet bowl stains.

  • Dishes: Save on detergent and water bills by using less detergent when washing dishes, as Strong Kangen Water requires only a fraction of the usual amount for rinsing.

Kangen Water (pH 8.5-9.5)

Enagic’s Kangen Water 8.5 to 9.5 is the perfect water for drinking and healthy cooking.

Kangen Water is your gateway to optimal health and environmentally friendly living. This electrolytically-reduced, hydrogen-rich water restores your body's alkaline balance and offers various applications:

  • Drinking: Enjoy Kangen Water throughout the day; it's odorless, tastes refreshing, and has a pleasant sweetness.

  • Food Prep: Cleanse vegetables and fish, enhance the flavors of your meals, and reduce the need for excessive seasoning and salt.

  • Coffee & Tea: Experience the vibrant colors, rich taste, and delightful aroma of your favorite beverages prepared with Kangen Water while using less coffee or tea.

  • Cooking: Kangen Water elevates the flavor of ingredients, making your dishes tender and juicy without overusing seasoning or salt.

  • Plants: Even your plants benefit from Kangen Water, as it stimulates germination and improves seedling development.

Clean Water (pH 7)

Enagic’s Clean Water at ph 7 is pure and neutral making it most suitable for baby food and medication.

Clean Water is your reliable source of pure, chlorine-free, and clear drinking water. It serves essential purposes:

  • Baby Food: Use pH 7.0 water for preparing baby food, ensuring it's safe and gentle for your little one's digestion.

  • Medication: The neutrality of this water makes it easily absorbed by your body, making it an ideal choice for taking medications.

Beauty Water (pH 4-6)

Enagic’s Beauty Water at pH 4-6 is not for drinking, but perfect for beauty and cleaning.

Beauty Water is your secret to radiant skin, shiny hair, and effective cleaning. Its slightly acidic nature offers numerous benefits:

  • Face Wash: Harness the astringent properties of Acidic water to tone and firm your skin, and use it as a post-shave toner.

  • Hair Care: Replace conditioner with Beauty Water after shampooing to reduce tangles and enhance shine.

  • Polishing: Achieve a sparkling shine on mirrors, eyeglasses, glass objects, and windows.

  • Cleaning: Clean hardwood floors, ceramic tiles, and various surfaces without leaving sticky residues.

  • Beauty Water for Pets: Spray your pets and brush their fur for soft and shiny coats.

  • Frozen Food: Preserve the flavor of foods, including fish and shrimp, by spraying them with Acidic Water before freezing.

Strong Acidic Water (pH 2.7)

Enagic’s Strong Acidic Water is not for drinking, but a very powerful cleanser.

Strong Acidic Water is the ultimate cleaning solution with its cleansing properties. It finds applications in hygiene and commercial operations:

  • Hygiene: Clean your hands, toothbrush, and bathroom surfaces effortlessly. A spray bottle in your bathroom is convenient for quick access.

  • Commercial: Beauty salons, hair salons, restaurants, agricultural colleges, daycare centers, pet shops, and nursing homes all benefit from Strong Acidic Water's use.

  • Cleaning & Reducing Germs: Tackle kitchen germs, sanitize kitchen tools, and maintain a germ-free environment.

In conclusion, Kangen Water offers a versatile range of water types tailored to various needs in health, beauty, cleaning, and cuisine. Incorporate these different types of Kangen Water into your daily life and experience the transformative power of water for yourself, all while promoting environmental sustainability and reducing plastic waste. Cheers to a healthier, cleaner, and more vibrant life with Kangen Water!


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